For the vast number of foreign friends, we re-post the topic of dental whitening method in English.

General tooth whitening/bleaching method can be divided into four categories:

1) Sand blasting: sand blasting is a whitening method that uses sand blasting powder to remove the dye outside the teeth. Therefore, it is suitable for people who often eat betel nut, smoke and drink tea and coffee. After sand blasting, the teeth surface can be clean and all stains can be removed. Our clinic adopts the world's top KaVo sand blasting machine, which has good efficiency and concentrated output of sand blasting powder, which would no longer cause irritation and bleeding of surrounding gums during sand blasting.

2) At-Home Teeth Whitening: The dentist would take the dental impession in advance to make customized dental tray, and the patient could place whitening gel into tray at home to achieve the effect of tooth whitening. The characteristic is that the whitening effect takes a little longer (about 1-2 weeks), but the sensation of teeth sensitivity is slight. ☺️

3) Professional Teeth Whitening at the Dental Office: In the office, we use a very high percentage of hydrogen peroxide applying on the surface of teeth, and combined with a high-intensity light, like LED, to accelerate the speed of whitening. It is characterized by fast effect and significant whitening degree. It is suitable for people who want to whiten their teeth quickly.

Our clinic has introduced a digital smile design system, which can simulate the effect of personal tooth whitening in a short time, so that every patient who comes to consult can quickly understand and choose a suitable course of treatment.

***The above different whitening methods have their own indications, which still need to be evaluated by a professional dentist

**After tooth whitening, you should reduce the consumption of specific food, like coffee and tea, to avoid teeth recoloring, and can use whitening toothpaste to prolong the whitening effect

Service hotline: 03-4699-699

Address of clinic: No. 82, Fushou Road, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City




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